Saturday, December 13, 2008

Quick random update...

So yesterday I went to my cousin's graduation @ NAU. I am so proud of him hahaha he proved that it's possible to survive college and not go completely crazy. The whole graduation was being recorded and we happened to sit behind one of those HUGE cameras.....this picture seriously doesn't do this thing justice. It was HUUUUUGGGGEEE! The guy had it swinging over our heads within touching range. Luckily during the graduation he focused on the students graduating and not on the audience. It was pretty hilarious when he zoomed in on an older guy walking down the stairs next to us and I swear he started zooming in on his "santa clause" like belly. What made it better is that it was shown on that huge screen that you see on there behind the stage.

I am SOOO excited to be leaving to Utah for Christmas! Hopefully while we're up there we'll have lots of fun like we had during thanksgiving.....running into sheds, running over curbs, playing cards with half the table cheating....good times.

So next semester I am taking Drawing 1, General Biology 1, US History 1, and Introductory Psychology. A total of 13 credits. I am gonna be busay! haha

Well, since my family and I are going to Utah for Christmas, we haven't done any Christmas decorations around the house which is kind of depressing. I feel like Scrooge...bah humbug! We have tons of Christmas presents already wrapped but we don't have a Christmas tree to put them under. So my mom decided that we should put the presents around one of her plants. The sad part is, it is the saddest looking plant I've seen...and I mom agrees with me so I don't feel bad about saying that. We could put Christmas lights on it but, I doubt it could hold them up.

K well it's time for my cute/funny picture of the hour/day/week/month/year.....(more along the lines of cute for this post)

My bestest buddy Shady...RIP I love ya and miss ya!

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