Saturday, December 6, 2008

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb

Wow....I pretty much had a blast in Utah for Thanksgiving. Running a golf cart into a shed, pushing a dead golf cart around, running over curbs, people "pop, lock, and droppin" it then ripping their pants....yep good times.

I am pretty excited to go back for Christmas too. I leave the 23rd then come back on the 3rd of January...which kinda sucks because I don't want to be traveling on my birthday but hey, it's all good.

I am excited also to go to my cousin's college graduation this coming up Friday in Flagstaff. I have to say he's right about saying that it's not him not being ready for the "real world"...the "real world" isn't ready for him. Hahaha that is so true.

Here is my funny picture for the day/week/month....

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